Increase Direct Mail Response with Customized Envelope

May 9, 2010 by
Filed under: Marketing List Broker 

With the recent developments in print

You can now customize the outer envelope to increase response rates.

The more personal information you can put on the outside of the envelope without it looking messy. The better the open rate and eventually response rate.

The #10 Envelope

The traditonal No. 10 envelope printed with relevant offers and personalized teaser can often outperform any other type envelope cover.

This is something that needs to be tested.

Some of that information includes a general URL address that enables Prime to track how many people responded to the envelope or some sort of message.

Your envelope printing company is also testing printing tracking codes onto envelopes. When recipients scan the directly to a landing page for the division from which the mail was sent.

We are trying to make envelopes more engaging

Using closed-faced envelopes — those that do not have a window for addresses — with any kind of personalized content means that the printer must include a read and write system that ensures the personalization inside the envelope matches that outside the envelope.

Such systems are commonplace for printers doing insurance,
medical and financial mailings, where there are strict privacy requirements.

It is only in the past few years that general direct mail printers have made more wide use of this tactic, mostly in response to the needs of their customers.

Some commercial printers…

May have a Perfect Match Read and Print systems to address the growth in higher-value, personalized direct mail it was handling.

The camera vision systems are added onto its existing production line and track the production process at full speed.
This allows personalized content to be printed inside a closed-faced envelope and variable content to be printed on the outside.

For many marketers the primary concern is keeping costs to a minimum, which is why more aren’t currently taking advantage of the prime real estate on the outside of the envelope, industry sources say.

Keeping costs….

In mind and either involved a postcard or used a plain envelope. Many marketers consider price first and foremost.

Four-color printing, which has come down in price, is another strategy mailers can use to create an envelope with impact.

Something to test and marketers that 69% of consumers would be more likely to open a mail piece with color text and graphics compared to a plain white envelope without

Until next time, here is to your continued success!


About the Author:

Tim G. Little has a BS in Business Administration, and has worked in the magazine publication and circulation management for the past 20 years. As an Internet Publisher and Entrepreneur, he has developed a website to help small business entrpreneurs find the best mailing list and marketing programs ps: I would like to recommend a tool to you to help find Boost Sales… Gain Market Share.. . With Focused List Selection, Tips and Tools for Finding the Perfect List. Once you e-mail segments, track how they differently they react to messaging options. Free 100 leads from InfoUSA from your neighborhood or across the country you choose or call me for more details buy mailing lists Guaranteed and a 100 free leads if you open an account today!>

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